Gang Wars Wiki

The Almighty Grays Nation or Almighty Grays are a multicultural street gang from Western Mexico & since then, have spread their territory all around the world. Thier colors are black, blue, baby blue, white, gray & royal blue. They are known to wear Seattle Mariners & New England Patriots sports apparel.

Membership: 150,000+ worldwide

Country turf leaders:

Western Mexico: Gavacho Gray & Guerrero Gray

Western America: Bluejay, Gray Saint Blue & Gray Goofy

Northern Germany: Festes Blau (Solid Blue) & Verrucktes Grau (Crazy Gray)

Southern Britain: Angel Black & Lil' Riot Blue

Eastern India: व्हाइटी ग्रे (Whitey Gray) & ब्लैक डायमंड (Black Diamond)

Northern & Western Russia: Желтый Афроамериканец (Buffy Black) & Светло-голубой (Baby Blue)

Allies: The Black Kings, The Brownskins, Eastside Terror, California Soul, & West Side Bishops

Rivals: Almighty Zodiac Nation, Diamondback Trio, Razorback Mafia,
